Thursday 23 October 2014

Happy Birthday Karma..

Hello fellow Faking It fans.
It's that time where I review the latest episode and explode into a rage about things I didn't like and obsess over the things I did like.
So lets begin with 'Episode 6- Present Tense'

Before I even watched this episode I knew it would be one were I would have to be prepared for and I was right. I cried but before I discuss why I cried lets start from the beginning.

So Amy has a whole scavenger hunt prepared for Karma and it is really cute for her to go through all that effort but Karma's thoughts are somewhere else and by somewhere I mean someone and by someone I mean Liam Booker. He gives her a note in her locker and she wants to read it Of course but Amy is being the greatest 'cockblock' in history and is clearly noticing that Karma is more interested in the letter than the hunt with Amy. Amy tries to shrug it off but as the episode goes on Amy is clearly getting pissed of with Karma not being 100% into her birthday surprise. So Amy finally confronts Karma about the letter and they end up having an argument that we all seen coming which ends in Karma ripping Liam's note up and storming off, leaving Amy feeling guilty.

While all this is happening Lauren, Shane, Liam and Theo are all at some kind of wrestling work out thingy majig and Shane takes a fancy to the instructor who he is sure is gay. Lauren is there to get the attention/stalk Theo. Which I think is so cute and I love Lauren and well Liam, he is there to get some anger out.

So back to the Karmy drama. Amy's last place is so cute and I still don't understand why she isn't marrying Amy already because if she does all the stuff she did just for her best friend imagine what she would do for her WIFE. Amy ends the hunt with two cute doll houses next to each other explaining its both hers and Karma's houses and that its the places they will grow up together and get old and grey but sadly not together 'together'. She also gives Karma the letter back Liam wrote Karma. SHE TRIED TO FIX THE RIPPED UP LETTER THE BABE. Then comes Liam out of the shadows and tells Amy he got her text. Then she goes on to tell karma that its okay if Liam and Karma date and she will basically let her go so she can be happy. Amy then goes on to say to Karma "You know what they say. If you love something, set it free'' and it just melted my heart into a pile of heart breaking red goo. She then gracefully says happy birthday to karma then kisses her on the cheek and walks away. *cue emotional song in your head*  And that is when my tears came. It was an emotional master piece.

Then Karma and Liam have it out about are they going to give their relationship a shot and Karma finally gets to know what the note says that Liam wrote her and it says....
Happy Birthday. HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY. All that for Happy Birthday. Amy took hours planning the hunt, flew Karma's aunt sage in to do a tea leaf reading and last but not least bloody took 17 hours and 23 minutes trying to get a best friend necklace out of a machine for Karma. KARMA NEEDS TO GET HER PRIORITIES IN CHECK.

To some up this episode I would say it was an emotional one with ups and downs but from the mid-season trailer that Faking It Gods decided to give us on Tuesday this is just the start of a great, long (10 ADDED EPISODES YAY!) Season. I am still praying for Karmy end game but who knows. Either way I ship them.

Thank You For reading and please follow me on my Faking it With Mell Twitter. @fakingwithmell
Mell. x


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