Thursday 16 October 2014

"Woah, I Know."

So where to begin because trust me I have a lot to get through in this post.
Lets start with me. Who am I?

I'm Mell. Hence the blog title 'Faking It With Mell'. I am a major fan of MTV's Faking it and as most fans of the show are, a MASSIVE Karmy fan. Lets be honest who isn't a fan of them?
This blog will basically be my thoughts on the show and even some of my fan girl rants will make an appearance. As well as having a blog dedicated to the show I also have a twitter (which you can find on the left of my blog. Please Follow) and I also make YouTube videos dedicated to- Yes. you guessed right. KARMY. I will leave the link right here : Woah Karmy

Enough about me, onto the good stuff.

Faking It all started when the wonderfully, talented writer/producer/GOD Carter Covington, MTV and others banged their heads together and came up with the brilliant  Hester High School in Texas, where being different is Popular. If only every High school was so accepting of being different. The most accepting thing about the High School this far that we have realised is that being Gay is Ok And with that said I shall move onto the best thing or at least one of the best things about the show. Karmy.

Karmy; if you didn't know is the ship name given to two best friends who fake being lesbians to be noticed. Those girls are Karma and Amy. So the story goes like this, they fake being lesbians but really Karma fancies Liam (who I will talk more about later) who is Shanes best friend (who I will also talk about later.) So they start faking it and everything is going smoothly, well as smoothly as it could go until, THEY KISS. That's when Amy realises 'Oh Shit' I'm gay and I'm totally in love with Karma, who did I mention is her best friend. *hands up if your a lesbian and have fell for your best friend before today* Because I have, well thought I had but that's not important.

So Amy starts getting the feels just like every Karmy shipper out there and just wants Karma to love her and Karma, by the way guys is totally oblivious to this. HOW DOES SHE NOT KNOW YOU SAY? GOD KNOWS. Because the longing looks and loved up puppy eyes Amy shoots Karma's way with any chance she can get says it all. But no. Karma is oblivious, but that's because she has got Liam on her mind.

Liam. Liam Bloody Booker. Hmm. what to say. I don't like the guy- Well in season 1 I really didn't like him. Season 2- He isn't that bad. I guess. But in season 1 he was a douchebag who literally wants Karma just because she is a 'lesbian' and Karma is more a less fine with this because she is blinded by his handsome-ish not so good looking, looks, but that's just my opinion. So yerh, he likes Karma and see's her being a 'lesbian' with Amy as a challenge to turn her straight and it works, even though she is already straight so he failed at that. So they start secretly seeing each other but he doesn't know she isn't really a lesbian and Amy is pissed and upset at the fact this is happening and karma says her and liam are nothing but really they are something because they slept together and Shane knows everything and, and...Breathe Mell. Phew.

Shane. He is the most popular guy in Hester High School and he is also very Gay. He is the guy who 'Outed' Amy and Karma at his party and kind of the person who started this whole mess AND THATS WHY I LOVE HIM. He is Amy's go to person for advice and he really helps, even when he doesn't say anything. for example:
Karma decided to tell Liam that her and Amy will have a threesome with him and he agreed, obviously like who wouldn't agree to doing the deed with either of them girls. So they plan it all and Amy gets cold feet and rings Shane asking for advice but instead she gets his answer phone and decides to have a one way conversation which leads to her making a decision and thanks Shane for the advice even though he wasn't on the other end of the line'

Oh and just to mention. The threesome never happened but the greatest scene to date and the famous '3 words' which are 'WOAH. I KNOW'  appeared that made the whole Karmy Army salute and cheer. It was another Karmy Kiss. But this one was special.

So far I have mentioned, Karmy, Shane, Liam..Next up Lauren. Lauren is Amy's now half sister as Amy's mum married Lauren's dad but they don't see eye to eye all the time but they have a connection when they feel its necessary which is nice. Lauren has some of the best lines in the show and a really great storyline. In season 1 most people would think she is just to put it lightly 'A Bitch' but she isn't and you get to see different sides to her as  season 2 starts a big secret of hers is revealed, that being that she was born Intersex. Which I think is an amazing storyline to have in the show and she plays it so well and without the show I honestly wouldn't know what intersex means and this is one of the many reasons I love the show. It helps people, teens especially to come out and be proud of who they are and not to worry about being different.

So I have covered the basics on season 1 but the most emotional and heart-breaking part of season 1 would have to be Amy telling Karma the truth and more a less getting rejected. Amy has a speech at her mums wedding and it is about falling in love with your best friend and only then Karma clicks on to the fact Amy is talking about herself loving her best friend and asks Amy if she has feeling for her. When Amy tells her she does and starts telling Karma they should just be a couple Karma just tells Amy to stop saying that stuff and then tells poor broken hearted Amy that she slept with Liam. Eeww.
Then Amy's face says it all and she goes to get drunk * because alcohol is always the answer when your best friend rejects you or ben and jerry's ice cream* and while that is happening Shane tells Liam the whole truth about Karma's lies and then he too, goes and gets drunk after rejecting Karma. Who then goes home and cries to her Mum. Then the worst thing in history of MTV television happens. Liam and Amy are so drunk and they Sleep together. Double Eeww.

To sum season 1 up I would say I loves parts, got angry at parts and cried at parts but all the actresses and actors are amazing and I don't think you could have a more well fitted cast for that show. They are all perfect. The season was great and the show has become one of my top 5 favourite shows of all time and I hope the people who read this love the show as much as I do and we can become friends and fan girl over the show, even if you do ship Kiam. I guess. Maybe.

Thank you for reading this Post and please Follow my blog or whatever you do on this ( I'm New) and also please Follow my Karmy Twitter page and Subscribe to my YouTube.

Thanks Again.
Mell. :)

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