Thursday 16 October 2014

Karmy Feels.

Hello again Faking It lovers.
So this post will be dedicated to the lovely OTP/Ship known as Karmy aka Amy and Karma from Faking It.

I honestly don't know where to start but I guess from the beginning is always good so lets start from how I even came across faking it.
I was on tumblr one night, scrolling down my feed when a post came up about 'karmy' and it had a few gifs and I thought 'ooo what's this' so I googled faking it and found somewhere I could watch online and so I did and I can say it had been the best decision of my life since I started watching Lost Girl that one night at 3am on Netflix.

When I first watched it I was a bit sceptic about the whole '2 girls pretending to be lesbians to be noticed' and I thought that it was a bit naff at first but boy I was wrong. It made my life. reasons for this:
One- Katie Stevens is so Beautiful and Totally my type.
Two- Rita Volk is also Beautiful and so funny.
Three- Karmy are like a Power Couple and totally should be end game.

With the making my life also comes the breaking my heart, want to cry and punch someone feelings I get from the show. These being:
One- Liam Booker. Really. Gregg is a lovely guy, not that I have met him he just seems to be but his character is just ruining Karmy. JUST NO.
Two- Karma and her 'lesbian' vibes towards Amy.  she is all like ''Woah''. Oh and we all totally saw your jaw hit the floor when Amy took of that coat Karma. WE ALL SAW.
Three- Kiam. That's all I have got to say about that.

So I'm going to write this as in I will pick my favourite Karmy scenes from Faking It . This is going to get deep. Be warned.

First Kiss
The first scene I am going to talk about is Karmy's first kiss because it was just so brilliantly done. The way Amy grabbed Karma and just went for it. LOVED IT and to be completely honest once that kiss happened I knew I was going to become a major fan of the show. It sealed the deal for me. The ending of the kiss was great also, even though Karma ruined It with the whole 'way to sell it' line but Amy's face was TV Gold. Plus what lesbian hasn't had that 'oh shit these feels are real'  look when kissing someone they like.
Amy's 2nd Grade Pubes!
Another scene that jumped out at me was when Karma mentions about knowing Amy had pubes in 2nd Grade. Like how would Karma know? Just saying.

Homecoming Queens
The next scene is the homecoming little cute head to head look then dance scene. Like that is super cute and they literally are just adorable. Amy's face when they are dancing is just 'Awww' and everything is going great until Karma goes and ruins it all by mentioning Liam and how she is going to make him love her. NEWS FLASH KARMA. You cant make someone love you. Plus you already have someone who knows everything about you, someone who can make you laugh even when your grandma dies and someone who would fake being a lesbian even though she is a lesbian and loves you but pretends not to just to make you happy right in front of you so why oh why cant you just stop being so in denial about having even the slightest feelings towards Amy. GOD DAMN YOU. p.s And stop ruining Karmy moments for us with Liam's name. Thank you.

Threesome? More like Twosome!
The threesome. Amy and Karma are looking fine in lingerie and Karma has already made it clear she is liking how Amy is looking in this scene. Then she gets super nervous which is just cute and totally shows that she is feeling the butterflies etc. and Amy is being THE BOMB and calming her down telling her to relax but lets be honest if Amy was standing in front of us looking like that we would be anything but calm right? And then they Kiss and its beautiful and I'm so glad the camera does not go onto Liam watching because I would of been PISSED. The kiss was magical and then to top it off they pull away and the famous ''Woah.'' comes out of Karma's mouth and following the more confident ''I know'' comes from Amy's and it is PERFECT and then Liam Booker ruins life and then Karma storms out and BOOO!!!.

Karma and Jealousy.
A more recent scene that I loved even though it wasn't really Karmy related, well it is but not in a coupling way. The scene where Karma sees Amy kissing the Brazilian girl and at first she seems all happy and pulls out some binoculars which must I say is hilarious and genius, and then when see gets a closer look her face drops and she seems to look a mixture of upset and jealous over the fact Amy is kissing someone else.

You Make Me Happy!
Also in this episode the scene where Amy tells Karma that she makes her happy is so cute and its totally obvious Amy is so in love with her and the fact that Karma wishes she felt the same gives me hope that Karmy might happen again at some point.

All in all Karmy is a strong ship and even though episode 4 of Season 2 has made a lot of Karmy shippers jump ship to Amy's new love interest and are liking the thought of a new girl I will not jump ship even if Karmy sinks, like Dido once said 'I will go down with this ship' Because the whole point of shipping Karmy in the first place is hoping something happens and we all shipped them knowing there was a 50/50 chance of it developing and things still can. Who knows. But I will forever ship Karmy.

Thank You for reading and visiting my blog and I hope you like my posts. These are just my opinions and I would love to hear your opinions on Karmy / Faking It.

Please Follow my twitter which is supporting Karmy. @woah_Karmy
Also please Subscribe to my YouTube. I make Karmy Videos: Woah Karmy

Thanks Again.
Mell :)

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