Friday 24 October 2014

Mid-Season Trailer Views.

Well. I just. Cant.
The mid-season trailer the Faking It Gods as I like to call them now gave us one heck of a trailer for the rest of season 2. It was just an explosion of WHAT?! Nooo. Okay..Oh My God. to be exact. Well that was my reaction anyway.

If you have been living under a rock and haven't seen it I will leave the link below. But be warned. Its emotional. There I warned you so now you cant blame me when your heart breaks:

Where to begin. So the mid-season trailer starts with Karma comparing Liam to a Ferrari which she is basically saying he is one of the best. NO. Even worse is that she is saying this to Amy. But from sneak peaks I have seen he cant even call Karma his girlfriend and is probably going to come up with a lame excuse of why he couldn't say girlfriend and as usual Karma will believe him.

Next it skips to the part we have all been dreading but wanting to see. Liam tells Karma he slept with someone. I'm not sure whether or not he tells her it was Amy but my poor Karma loving heart aches because her cry is so perfect and just heart breaking.
I think Karma will hit the roof and ask who he slept with or tell him to get out and that she never wants to see him again and if she doesn't know its Amy, she might try calling Amy and breaking down which would be even worse because like it was indeed Amy.

Then the music gets more intense and it shoots to Amy, Lauren and Shane where Amy tells them that Karma knows and Lauren and Shane both have a moment which I love where they both point. I think Amy will be literally shitting her pants and trying to find Karma to explain. When she does she Karma it is pretty obvious that Karma is out for blood seeing as she slams that locker shut, pretty aggressively. At this point even I'm shitting my pants. But I've got to say, Karma looks hot when she is angry but she looks hot all the time tbh.

Next it cuts to Karma's mum praying to god which by now I can guarantee the whole frigging fandom was praying that it gets better because at this point we are all feeling the wrath of Karma knowing. Realistically I think the police have found out about them using weed/pot in their brownies and something goes down but I'm not sure what. I also know that Karma's brother comes home. I think. I read it somewhere.

'THIS MEANS WAR' what next appears on the trailer and then we all knew shit was about to go down. Then pops up a scene which I think most of the Karmy Army liked but never because Karma is clearly really upset. But she shoots Liam with a arrow. A sponge/plastic one unfortunately but its the words she spits at him that make it more powerful 'go to hell'. I think they may be rehearsing a play at this point for drama or something and Liam tries to talk to Karma but she is having non of it. I still don't think at this point she knows it was Amy because Amy is standing next to here and she looks pretty content.
Then its gets even more dramatic because the police turn up at the school and as I said earlier they seem to be heading straight for Karma's parents Juice van which fuels the fire to the prison part I shall be talking about in a short while.

Next it starts to get a bit more less heart breaking for about 10 seconds and we see Karma stab Amy in the Leg which isn't what it sounds or looks like. I think Amy on the like big Date night everyone seems to go on together, has an allergic reaction to nuts and Karma basically saves her life. I also think this is where we will see jealous Karma as Reagan is there as Amy's date of course and I am so excited to see jealous Karma because she goes all out and its so funny to watch. We also have a flash of the talented Fifth Harmony who will be guest staring on the show and singing Boy band covers. We all know that them girls are Hot right. Good. I'm glad we all agree.

At this point I am only 26 Seconds into the trailer and I get this all from 26 seconds. So I guess the Faking It Gods are good at their job. OBVIOUSLY.

So then it goes to the AMAZING Lauren throwing some shapes on the dance floor with a dummie/Pacifier (for you guys from the US) in her mouth loving life which then Amy says to Shane that 'Lauren is her friend when on ecstasy' and that's when Lauren freaks out and is like 'IM ON WHAT' I think they are all just having a great time at this point and Reagan is also a DJ at the club which we all know is going to end with some Reamy stuff happening.

So again the hilarious and fabulous Lauren pops up in the trailer. This time she is throwing some chicken fillets/fake boobs at judges which is obvious at this point that its a pageant and in the background in all techno colour is Amy looking beautiful in a dress which I'm guessing her mum forced her to be in.  Bless.

The next scene is Liam and Karma at what looks like an art show and Liam is screaming at someone which I can only guess is frustration at the fact he cant even call Karma his girlfriend because he is a big massive. IDIOT. That's enough of him the next scene is Shane and his new found hunky lover Duke. Who is a closet gay and he is explaining that people cant know that he is gay and then Shane flips him and someone walks in when they are in an awkward position which I can only guess is Dukes dad or coach and clicks on and starts ranting and raving.

Then it goes onto a angry and frustrated Amy clicking away at a pen and then Shane telling Karma that lesbians get territorial rather quick. In this case I think Amy is freaking out about Karma finding out it was Amy, Liam slept with and Is freaking out wondering whether Karma knows and is just hiding it or not. I think the whole Shane and Karma scene is Shane trying to make Karma more jealous of Reagan and get in the way and be territorial herself and that is when jealous Karma will arrive. YAY!

Next is the kiss Reamy fans have been waiting for. Yes. Amy and Reagan have a kiss. A rather passionate kiss I must add. Which is nice to see as much as I'm Karmy lover I am happy Amy is getting some happiness and not pining over Karma.

Again, we get to see Liam be his heartless self and basically tells or more like aggressively suggests to Karma that she just cant stand Amy loving someone more than her. I'm guessing because she has basically been trying to impress Amy all throughout the date and being really jealous of Reagan. At this point I'm sick of Liam Booker and his Stupid face.
Then it skips to Karma ripping photographs of Amy off her mirror which is completely heart wrenching but I must add, she has pictures of Amy on her mirror. Like just Amy. Not with them both. Well she has them too but if you have a picture of your best friend on your mirror without you in that picture you obviously feel for her and she is obviously more than your 'Best Friend'. JUST SAYING. Karma. Your Gay is showing.
So I think at that moment rather she is pissed at the fact Amy has moved on and just emotional about it or she knows about Amy and Liam. Either way she looks really upset.

Then it cuts to the most heart breaking part of the whole trailer. Amy standing over a prison toilet with the birthday necklace in hand about to drop it into the toilet saying clearly to Karma ''This is where you decide whether or not I'm going to be in your life anymore'' and then it cuts to Karma looking so so upset and making me want to give her cuddles for the rest of her life. This scene looks just to sad to even handle and my thought on it is that they got arrested with Karma's parents for some reason.

Last but definitely not least is the part where the fandom went actually mental. Its a Sex scene that involves Amy saying 'Woah' and then pops up Karma saying 'I Know'. There are a million theories on whether or not it is the same scene or not. My guess that it isn't and Amy has her first lesbian sex with Reagan and well I'm hoping rather Amy see's Karma's face while its happening and imagines it or Karma is having these thoughts/dreams. Even better that it is actually Karmy and Amy just gets lucky twice.

So there you have it. My views and my predictions for the next half of the season. Either way I hope all ends good within Texas but knowing Faking It that wont happen.

Please follow my twitter: @FakingWithMell
Thanks for reading.

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